Definition of the economy: It is human activity that includes the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services. The strength of the economy is considered the first measure of the well-being of peoples and nations.
Linguistically, the term economy means mediating spending between constipation and extravagance
The national economy is an integrated, organized process supported by government agencies specialized in the economic sectors in the country and linked together by common factors between the sectors.
Public, private, consumer or beneficiary to support local services and production and encourage the public to demand them and expand to spread these services or products globally with the aim of increasing
Economic expansion and achieving sustainability and economic well-being.
National economy is a great word with the greatness of luxury that every person dreams of, or rather, every people in the world
Economic activities in some countries of the world may depend on other countries, such as importing a product and re-exporting it at a high rate, or the process of traveling or shipping goods to an intermediary airport before
The airport of the last country. These activities depend on the economic movement of other countries. In short, some of the world’s economies are very interconnected and intertwined, as they are affected by each other.
The economy in each country depends and is based on several sectors according to what distinguishes it from land, people, location, culture, and many other considerations that distinguish countries from an economic standpoint.
for example
Industrial sector
Agricultural sector
Tourism sector
Natural resources sector
Trade sector
And many other sectors with different classifications according to the view of the competent authorities in those countries. It may also differ internally in some countries depending on the regions and their capabilities.
Geographic, industrial, agricultural and others.
The economy is very important and every individual has an influence on it
The economy is affected by every individual in society (behavior - the scientific and cultural level - the health status of individuals...etc.), which makes strengthening our culture a direct influence.
The economy is very important.
Some might say what an impact I have as an individual in the economic aspect on my country or my society.
In his view, it has no effect, but this is an incorrect view. Every society consists of a group of individuals, and every individual has a direct or indirect impact on the economy of his country.
For example, when an employee in any sector works hard and diligently, he affects the economy positively and vice versa, even if the employee is in a non-economic sector in his classification.
For example, a service sector or any other sector. For example, a teacher raises generations, some of whom will one day be leaders and employees in the economic sectors of the country.
The policeman works to ensure community security, and security has a direct impact on the economy and all other jobs that some individuals view as not having an economic impact.
This is a wrong view. What is true is that every individual has an impact on the economy and on the economic process, which is an integrated societal process
Your desire to buy a locally manufactured product or service provided by a local company benefits the economy of your country, as well as your preservation of public property and your economy in consumption.
Water and electricity save your country an amount you may not be able to spend on your service, which makes you a contributor to your country’s economy.
The impact of the economy on the individual
There is no doubt that the economy has a direct impact on the individual and on society as a whole. The well-being of peoples and the economy are closely related, and well-being and the economy have a direct relationship.
If the state's economy is sustainable and strong, the people will enjoy prosperity and the best services in education, health, housing, and in all aspects of life.
If the economy is fragile, fluctuations will affect the individual and society and have a negative impact, which will have a more negative impact on societies.
If the economy is weak, it will affect the deterioration of the services that the individual wants to obtain, and it will also affect the basics that the individual and society need, and here the problems become exacerbated.
The situation is getting worse day by day.
Our duty
To contribute positively to the economy of our countries and societies and to enhance the culture of our direct influence on the national economy so that we contribute to building a sustainable national economy.
Thank you all
Written by the development department in the industry (the unified platform for national industries)