Invest in the United Arab Emirates

The UAE provides many investment incentives and excellent infrastructure for investors and entrepreneurs. The economic environment is characterized by stability and competitiveness, enhanced by well-established international relations, strong financial reserves, investments in infrastructure and digital transformation.

Invest In UAE

The UAE provides many investment incentives and excellent infrastructure for investors and entrepreneurs. The economic environment is characterized by stability and competitiveness, enhanced by well-established international relations, strong financial reserves, investments in infrastructure and digital transformation. The country enjoys ease of doing business and flexibility in investment, with various facilities for doing business such as free zones and industrial zones. It is also distinguished by a skilled workforce and offers attractive investment incentives such as full ownership of investments in free zones, remunerative profits, flexible visas and stable currency. The UAE is also a reliable and safe investment destination with political and social stability and values of tolerance and cultural diversity

The geographical location of the United Arab Emirates is in the middle of many regions in the world. That's mean, your presence in the UAE, means your presence in all the markets of the world, and the UAE is located in the Middle East and is an important hub for trade and investment between East and West. The UAE occupies a vital geographical location, as it enjoys a close presence to many major markets in the world. Thanks to its advanced transportation facilities and modern international airports, the UAE is easily accessible from all parts of the world. This excellent geographical location makes the UAE an attractive destination for business and investment.

The strategic location

Strong financial reserves

Well-established and solid international relations

Government starting on basic infrastructure, digital transformation, and innovation

Government states are open to economic diversification


Increase foreign direct investment

Ease of doing business








National Products


"Sinaha Platform" showcases products of 600 factories in the UAE at Baghdad International Fair January 19, 2024

Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates: "Sinaha Platform" the Emirati platform supporting national industries and products headquartered in Abu Dhabi participated in the 47th edition of the Baghdad International Fair under the patronage of the Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia AlSudani from January 10 to 19. The platform showcased products from 600 factories in the UAE enhancing awareness of the quality and competitiveness of Emirati products. Sinaha team concluded its participation in the fair which witnessed the presence of 840 local Arab and international companies. Emirati companies displayed over 10000 products manufactured in the UAE across various sectors including food and beverages building materials plastics personal care items home care and packaging reinforcing bars oil and gas equipment firefighting gear and electrical and mechanical materials. The goal was to expand the promotion and marketing of Emirati products and strengthen their presence in regional and international markets as well as explore partnership opportunities between national and foreign factories. ADVERTISING promote UAEmanufactured products His Excellency Mohammed bin Salem bin Kardous Al Ameri Chairman of the Board of "Sinaha Platform" affirmed that the platform is keen to promote UAEmanufactured products in both local and foreign markets adhering to the highest production quality standards. He mentioned that they operate under the umbrella of the National Strategy for Industry and Advanced Technology and Abu Dhabis Industrial Strategy to make Emirati industries more reliable for consumers and to promote the "Made in UAE" brand internationally. Al Ameri extended thanks to the management of the Baghdad International Fair one of Iraqs largest trade fairs for providing this opportunity for Emirati industries to engage with participants from Iraq and to enhance cooperation between Emirati and Iraqi manufacturers.

فريق "الإمارات للتعليم المدرسي" يحصد المركز الأول في أولمبياد "قوة المعرفة" الدولي الأربعاء، 20 ديسمبر 2023 9:28 م

دبي في 20 ديسمبر / وام / أحرز فريق مؤسسة الإمارات للتعليم المدرسي المركز الأول في الأولمبياد الدولي لتحدي الهندسة في صناعة وبرمجة الروبوتات وأساسيات الفضاء «قوة المعرفة» الذي عقد في موسكو. كما فاز الطالب سعيد أحمد مسعود سالم القمزي بالمركز الأول في قوة التأثير والابتكار، وتم تكريمه بشهادة الدبلوم المعتمد من محطة الفضاء الدولية، وذلك بعد حصده أعلى نسبة تصويت بين جميع الطلبة المشاركين، فيما تم تتويج الطالبة علياء عبيد أحمد بونعاس الرميثي بلقب سفيرة للنوايا الحسنة للأولمبياد لدورة 2024. وهنأ سعادة المهندس محمد القاسم مدير عام مؤسسة الإمارات للتعليم المدرسي، الطلبة الفائزين على ما حققوه من مراكز متقدمة في هذه المسابقة الرائدة، مؤكداً أن هذا الإنجاز يعكس مدى الاهتمام الذي توليه المؤسسة بتعزيز قدرات الطلبة في مختلف المجالات العلمية لاسيما الهندسة والبرمجة وعلوم الفضاء والتكنولوجيا المتقدمة، باعتبارها أولوية وطنية تسعى المؤسسة إلى تحقيقها لتنشئة أجيال متمكنة من مهارات المستقبل. وأكد سعادته أن خوض هذه المسابقة يأتي انطلاقاً من حرص المؤسسة على إشراك أبنائنا الطلبة في المحافل التنافسية المحلية والعالمية لدورها في الارتقاء بمهاراتهم وصقل خبراتهم في المجالات التي تلبي طموحاتهم المستقبلية سواء على المستوى المعرفي أو المهني، منوهاً بالتعاون المثمر والبناء مع مختلف الشركاء الاستراتيجيين في دعم جهود النهوض بقطاع التعليم الوطني. ويهدف أولمبياد «قوة المعرفة» إلى دعم البناء المعرفي للطلبة في العلوم الحديثة والذكاء الاصطناعي وصناعة وبرمجة الروبوتات وأساسيات علوم الفضاء. وعقدت منافسات المسابقة الدولية خلال الفترة من سبتمبر إلى ديسمبر 2023 بمشاركة أكثر من 30 ألف طالب وطالبة من 80 منطقة في روسيا الاتحادية وخمس دول أخرى. وشهدت مدينة أبوظبي خلال شهر أكتوبر الماضي الدور نصف النهائي من المسابقة، والذي تم تنظيمه بالتعاون بين مؤسسة الامارات للتعليم المدرسي ومنصة صناعة ممثلة بشركة «صناعة روس روبوتيكس» الإماراتية الرائدة في دعم قطاع الصناعة، والجامعة الذكية عبر «الإنترنت» ومقرها روسيا، وشركة «أوميجا فيوتشر» المتخصصة في تكامل الأنظمة وتطوير حلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات والتحول الرقمي والذكاء الاصطناعي. وتأهل إلى المرحلة النهائية التي عقدت في موسكو 150 متنافساً من بينهم فريق من مؤسسة الإمارات للتعليم المدرسي يضم 10 طلبة من مدرستي الغزالي والريم في إمارة أبوظبي، وتمكن الفريق من حصد المركز الأول بالمسابقة في فئة "المنافسة الميدانية"، والمركز الثاني في "فئة التعليم".

In the state schools of Abu Dhabi the first international semifinal of the IU Omega “Power of Knowledge” Olympiad were held. November 8, 2023

The students of Al Ghazali Boys School and Al Reem Girls School in Abu Dhabi learned the basics of electronics physics and programming to solve robotics tasks. They conducted simulations of their solutions with digital twins and then completed the assignments of the qualifying and semifinal stages of the “IU Omega Power of Knowledge” – International Olympiad in Design and Invention. The preparation took place from October 16th to October 27th in Abu Dhabi with experts from SinahaRus Robotics Intelligent University and Omega.Future taking part. n the semifinals the students competed in programming virtual robots using the IDE and in an engineering design contest using the Omegabots and Intelligent University programs. During the semifinals meetings were arranged with Russian cosmonauts engineers from the space industry and UAE astronauts. The event was held under the patronage of H.E Mohammed bin Salem bin Kardous Al Ameri Chairman of Sinaha. Among the guests were: Saleh Al Ameri the UAE Astronaut Engineer Khaled Alansari Director of School Services Department of Emirates Schools Establishment Humaid Abdulla Director of the Student Services Department of Abu Dhabi Education Council Andrey Terekhin head of trade representative of Russia in the UAE Makar German deputy head of representative of Russia in the UAE Mikhail Kudryavtsev digital attaché of trade representative of Russia in the UAE

Sinaha Platform launches ‘Unified Smart Catalog’ to promote UAE products Thu 17-08-2023 11:43 AM

ABU DHABI 17th August 2023 (WAM) "Sinaha Platform" in Abu Dhabi has launched a "Unified Smart Catalog " to promote UAE products and support the local manufacturers. This catalog an environmentally friendly catalog with comprehensive product information assists manufacturers in marketing their local products on a larger scale as well as gaining consumer confidence in the quality of local products. The Unified Smart Catalog also aids efforts to digitise the countrys industrial market as it is automatically updated with new products and thus shared with factory customers or consumers.The manual’s release comes in line with the directives of the UAE leadership to assist and promote UAE businesses according to Mohammed bin Salem bin Kardous Al Ameri Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Sinaha”.It also corresponds with the platforms strategic relationship with the UAE Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology which was allied last June during the "Make it in the Emirates" forum in Abu Dhabi.He highlighted the importance of the Catalog in supporting sustainability initiatives. In the first phase 20 million catalogs for national products would be created annually and sustainable products would be marketed raising awareness of the necessity of environmentally friendly items in connection with the States hosting the COP28 Conference of the Parties.The factories in the Sinaha platform can share the catalog on social media platforms or via email with the option to customise and design the catalog according to the factorys brand and requirements which helps manufacturers to track the performance of their products and develop appropriate marketing and sales plans.


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